Authentic and Enduring
At Schooner Bay, these two words once defined a vision. Now they describe a new harbour village evolving every day, vision intact.
A structure meant to last needs to be built not only of durable materials – concrete and steel beams – but on a lasting idea. A new, authentic, but traditionally-based, architecture must cleave to lasting principles, those of Old Bahama: walkability, a working harbour and close connection to the sea.
Grounded in the New Urbanist approach to living, Schooner Bay is the first such community in The Bahamas designed to attract families who want to live, work and play in a setting that brings the best of the past forward. From the teardrop-shaped harbour at its heart, restaurants, shops and gathering places fan out in all directions. There is much to love here, starting with the human scale of the place, as pleasing to the eye as it is to the soul. Each cottage home is individual, and yet joined in community, along Bay Street, in Harbour Village or out on surrounding dunes.